Tuesday (3/27) at the Percolator |
Now, it seems that there will be more poetry events happening this week, including a project that I've been involved with called "Endangered Language." There was a previous manifestation of E.L. consisting of Rob Nice, Josh Fierro, and Mauz (surely, you've heard of them). They didn't play a long time together, but when I was given the opportunity to play a show at The Garage Tequila Bar on the 29th of March, I called Rob up and asked what was up with Endangered Language. I ended up bringing in two other former members of The Hypocrite Orchestra from my time with them and we decided to make Endangered Language a reality once again. Endangered Language is a music group creating improvised and often spontaneous music/poetry for the audience.
Thursday, March 29th, Endangered Language will be playing a 40 minute set at The Garage Tequila Bar. No Cover. Free Pizza served at 12 courtesy of The Pizza Joint.
Thursday (3/29) at The Garage Tequila Bar |
Friday (3/30) at The Percolator |
To finish off the week, on Saturday evening will be our favorite, The Barbed Wire Open Mic Series. This month, in honor of César Chávez Day, we feature the Son Jarocho trio, Alma Sonera. We're also featuring DJ Gambol and the Open Mic Community. Performers that sign up to take the stage have 5 minutes to deliver their best work to the audience. *People that have equipment should show up at 6 for sound check, with all necessary amps and cables. It's a FREE Show!
The BWOMS is a multilingual event that celebrates free speech through the arts, and that allows community members a platform from which they can express their poetic perspectives and unique voices in any genre of music or art.Hope to see you there.
I don't event want to hear "There's nothing to do in El Paso," anymore. Those people are just lame. Come on out and support the Arts!
- Rich
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