A compilation of works, quotes and snippets of thought that I want to share with the world. Surely all these words are not without meaning. I now give you the compilation I call Fallen Leaves.
Somewhere in time, I sribble madly upon my notebook. The smooth jet-black ink dances against the canvas of freedom. Together - they move through time and space, reconstructing lucid dreams and creating new worlds.
I hope you may gain something from any of my words, I now offer you this collection for your interpretation. Whether I have accomplished to open your mind and heart or rather strike you with inspiration I will have felt that I have done enough.
-- R.D.M.
I hope you may gain something from any of my words, I now offer you this collection for your interpretation. Whether I have accomplished to open your mind and heart or rather strike you with inspiration I will have felt that I have done enough.
-- R.D.M.
The wind blows abrupt
the tragic tale of time.
Softly and sweetly.
Leaves fall like music
in tomorrow's sleepy haze.
Unaware, un-phased.
Caught in our own glance --
time holds us still in embrace.
Our hearts drift as one.
"Together we can walk into the unknown, singing songs of adventure." -- Richie Marrufo
"Do not hide yourself beneath the blanket of leafy death1, but rather expose yourself to the beauty of the world and allow yourself to be inspired." -- Richie Marrufo
1. from Descent into the House of Poe, my attempt on a parody of the Gothic or at least a quick tour of the Gothic through Poe's rhetoric. The main character is in a secluded forest in the fall. As expected, the leaves continuosly fall to the ground -- symbollic of death, foreboding the coldness of despair -- eventually creating a "blanket of leafy death." The character is within a fit of oppressivly low melancholy in which he desires to hide away from the world by falling under the "blanket of leafy death.
"It all rolls together, all of it -- and it forms a song. A song of us. Beauty in a higher plane, our souls create the melody while the beating of our hearts give birth to a tempo. Our song drifts through time and space, unbroken, for all the world to hear." -- Richie Marrufo
There is a remedy within the night sky.
as I sit along the grass, head held up high.
As I dwell of the past, I must move along
constantly searching for new and lovely song.
Constantly writing...
Constantly dreaming...
"I believe in the blade of grass that blows against the wind. I believe in music. I believe in art. It is in dreams, that I belive: I believe in LOVE and I believe in peace. It is true that I believe in hope. These are the gears that drive my being." -- Richie Marrufo
from The Power of Expression
"Revolutions are grand designs, they create masterful ideas that move the gears of time. Out of that kinetic friction arise sparks of hope. So with this revolution I write the experience that is the rebellion of my broken heart: While I breathe, I hope" -- Richie Marrufo
from "So You Say You Want A Revolution?"
There is a remedy within the night sky.
as I sit along the grass, head held up high.
As I dwell of the past, I must move along
constantly searching for new and lovely song.
Constantly writing...
Constantly dreaming...
"I believe in the blade of grass that blows against the wind. I believe in music. I believe in art. It is in dreams, that I belive: I believe in LOVE and I believe in peace. It is true that I believe in hope. These are the gears that drive my being." -- Richie Marrufo
from The Power of Expression
"Revolutions are grand designs, they create masterful ideas that move the gears of time. Out of that kinetic friction arise sparks of hope. So with this revolution I write the experience that is the rebellion of my broken heart: While I breathe, I hope" -- Richie Marrufo
from "So You Say You Want A Revolution?"
Beyond the Cloak of Emerald
O Gentle land of a meteor lake
sweep within your view a splendid
scene of the beauty natural in heaven's wake --
An array of visual magnificence you have blended.
To one side, seven sisters do not hide,
clear and bright, do they hang upon the sky.
In the seasons do these serve as a guide
and never will shall the the end draw nigh.
Unyielding to the cold and refusing to freeze
a noble lake, surrounded in emarald skies
stands in tranquility and serves to appease.
The unseen forces at work, to turn an old man wise.

O Gentle land of a meteor lake
sweep within your view a splendid
scene of the beauty natural in heaven's wake --
An array of visual magnificence you have blended.
To one side, seven sisters do not hide,
clear and bright, do they hang upon the sky.
In the seasons do these serve as a guide
and never will shall the the end draw nigh.
Unyielding to the cold and refusing to freeze
a noble lake, surrounded in emarald skies
stands in tranquility and serves to appease.
The unseen forces at work, to turn an old man wise.
a Discourse on the Universality of All Things
If the early bird gets the worm
and the second mouse gets the cheese
where does that leave the lowly germ
who is lost with a simple sneeze?
If the early bird gets the worm
and the second mouse gets the cheese
where does that leave the lowly germ
who is lost with a simple sneeze?
from Poets and Madmen
[choices] Just Another Day
We walk around each day
encountering others along the way.
I'll smile, and you'll say nothing, not even a word
But I really can't help it if I look like a nerd
Sure, at first questions may seem random,
but they truly aren't bad when executed in tandem.
So say something like, "Do you like Ramen?"
and I should respond with "HEY we have something in common!
So next time you see me don't lose sites
Instead ask me "Do you like to fly kites"?"
We walk around each day
encountering others along the way.
I'll smile, and you'll say nothing, not even a word
But I really can't help it if I look like a nerd
Sure, at first questions may seem random,
but they truly aren't bad when executed in tandem.
So say something like, "Do you like Ramen?"
and I should respond with "HEY we have something in common!
So next time you see me don't lose sites
Instead ask me "Do you like to fly kites"?"
from Earthsong
In the middle of abstract and reason
Resides the human race; unpredictable, obnoxious and untamed
Yet--with the passing of each and every season,
Lives the chance for hope, inspiration and beauty unnamed
In the middle of abstract and reason
Resides the human race; unpredictable, obnoxious and untamed
Yet--with the passing of each and every season,
Lives the chance for hope, inspiration and beauty unnamed
Words still flow out like poetry...
The music continues to play...
I'm a lover and a fighter.
I'm a dreamer and I'm a writer.
Listen to my song, and I'll listen to yours
~ *R*
(Peace and Love)

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