Friday, February 19, 2010

Here I Yam

Hello friends and curious internet users,

I have gotten myself into several time-consuming and intellectually crowded endeavors and as a result I have not posted any new poetry in quite some while. Contrary to my posting history I have indeed continued to write in various forms and discourse throughout the last couple of months.

Reasons for not posting:

1) Grad School -- that alone should be satisfactory in explaining my online absence, but I'll continue.

2) The Job -- well, it is still part of Academia but it does couple along with my own studies to create a heavy battle with sleep an time.

3) Stanton Street Collective -- (the band) I've gotten together with some amazing people to attempt to create such a loving and powerful music. I love spending time with these guys and since I have started focusing on music again I realized that I haven't been as dedicated to writing my own poetry.

4) Temporality -- The more and more I try and expand myself as an artist I realize how ephemeral this writing really is in the grand scope of things. I realize that my poetry is never finished and to publish it would feel like its taking away from its power. Instead, I have been performing my latest poetry at live events and that is my way of showing it to the world.

I've been in a weird mood lately. An existential funk of sorts. Maybe I'll post some new stuff soon.

peace and love,


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