Saturday, December 08, 2012

Fundraiser for the Farmworker's Center (Dec. 8th 2012)

The EP Poetry Project was amazing last night! More on that later, but for now, I want to promote another event that needs support this evening in El Paso.

Fundraiser for the Farmworker's Center - Saturday Dec. 8th @ Glasbox (1500 Texas Ave) ~ 7 pm
$5 at the door, and the benefit will be also be accepting clothing and blankets to be used by the farmworkers. Presented by Movimiento Hunab Ku.

The event is written up, in "What's Up" Magazine, and that's what's up.

I'll be sharing some of my poetry alongside some talented musicians that I have worked with before with the experimental hip-hop group, Endangered Language.

Here is what the organizers have to say:

Movimiento Hunab Ku is inviting you the fundraising event for the Farmworker Center Saturday December 8th 630pm for a night of music, poetry and live painting. $5 at the door. All proceeds from the door will be given to the Farmworker Center.

Everyday we consume produce that was harvested by men, women and children who make a living as migrant farmworkers. Centro Sin Fronteras is a non-profit organization that assists farmworkers and their families.

During the cold season, farm workers from our region don’t have much work. In fact, many of them find themselves unemployed and without anything to send back home to their families for the holidays. Therefore, please consider making a donation to the Border Farm Workers Center: we accept monetary contributions, clothes, jackets, blankets, shoes, toys, food (canned or not), toiletries, etc.… If you would like more information please contact Centro Sin Fronteras at 201 East Ninth Avenue (esquina con calle Oregon), El Paso, Texas 79901. Tel. (915) 532-0921. O escribe a: Thank you! ☺

Ya que entró la temporada fría y el trabajo en los campos agrícolas escasea, Sin Fronteras necesita el apoyo de todas y de todos.

El tiempo de frío es el tiempo en que Sin Fronteras proporciona ayuda de emergencia a las y a los trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias, para que no padezcan hambre y frío. Pero para llevar a cabo esta misión, necesitamos la solidaridad de todas las personas de buena voluntad.

Estamos solicitando que nos ayuden con:

- Frijol
- Arroz
- Azúcar
- Papas
- Pastas de fideo
- Salsa de tomate
- Sal
- Harina

Y todo tipo de comida no perecedera.

Además, estamos recabando ropa invernal, sobre todo chamarras para adultos, hombres y mujeres, cobijas, etc.

Y por supuesto, nos urgen voluntarios que puedan colaborar en estos tiempos tan difíciles para la comunidad de trabajadores agrícolas.

Todo el año, ellas y ellos laboran arduamente para producir la comida que nos alimenta.

¡Ayudemos en este tiempo en que ellas y ellos necesitan de nosotras y nosotros!

Para saber cómo ayudar, visita el Centro de los Trabajadores Agrícolas Sin Fronteras, 201 East Ninth Avenue (esquina con calle Oregon), El Paso, Texas 79901. Tel. (915) 532-0921. O escribe a:

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