Monday, February 13, 2012

The Composites: Renditions of Literary Characters Based on Their Descriptions (art project)

Emma Bovary from Madame Bovary. Rochester from Jane Eyre.  Keith Talent from London FIelds.

Images created using law enforcement composite sketch software and descriptions of literary characters. All interesting suggestions considered. Include descriptive passages if you can. Read more on the project at The Atlantic. 

from: The Composites (tumblr) 

Here is the fearsome and enigmatic, Judge Holden from Cormac McCarthy's Bood Meridian:

"An enormous man dressed in an oilcloth slicker had entered the tent and removed his hat…He was bald as a stone and he had no trace of beard and he had no brows to his eyes nor lashes to them…He was close on to seven feet in height… His face was serene and strangely childlike…His hands were small."
(Multiple suggestions.)

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